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ENSE - Entidade Nacional para o Setor Energético

Constituição, gestão e manutenção das reservas estratégicas nacionais de petróleo e produtos petrolíferos

Preços de Referencia de Combustíveis

Risk Level
Existence of indications of possible problems that could significantly affect the oil sector.The probability of becoming a real threat is low, but there must be continuous monitoring of the situation.

Instability caused by the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

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BelgiumAPETRAAPETRA is the public limited company with social goal that manages the strategic oil stocks of Belgium.
BulgariaSA – State Agency “State Reserve and War-time Stocks”Organizes and controls the accumulation, maintenance, refreshing and accounting of the state reserves and war-time stocks.
Croatia Handa – Croatian Compulsory Oil Stocks AgencyAgency that assures the competence of compulsory oil stocks in Croatia.
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EstoniaOSPA – Estonian Oil Stockpiling AgencyCompany established by the Government of the Republic on the basis of the Liquid Fuel Stocks Act for the purpose of establishment, maintenance and holding of the compulsory oil stocks of the Republic of Estonia.
FranceSAGESS – Société Anonyme de Gestion de Stocks de SécuritéSAGESS has the role of maintaining and managing strategic oil reserves.
FinlandNESA – National Emergency Supply AgencyOrganisation working under the Ministry of economic affairs and employment. It is tasked with planning and measures related to developing and maintaining security of supply.
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ItalyAcquirente Único – Organismo Centrale di Stoccaggio ItalianoOCSIT is a non-profit entity with the task to manage the stocks of petroleum products within the Italian territory, as well as to manage a stockholding and transport service of emergency and commercial petroleum stocks.
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NetherlandsCOVA – Centraal Orgaan Voorraadvorming Aardolieproductenhe Netherlands Petroleum Stockpiling Agency (COVA) is the independent national organization which is responsible for the strategic oil stocks of the Netherlands.
PolandARM – The Material Reserves AgencyThe Material Reserves Agency executes tasks mainly in management of strategic reserves, creates and maintains agency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and oversees the compulsory stocks of crude oil and petroleum products.
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mobilization reserves and emergency stocks.
SloveniaThe Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity ReservesThe Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves was established to provide services of general economic interest for the establishment and utilisation of strategic community reserves, and the establishment and maintenance of emergency reserves of crude oil and/or petroleum products.
SpainCORESCores is the stockholding entity responsible for maintaining and controlling strategic reserves in Spain.
SwitzerlandCARBURACARBURA is the Swiss Organisation for stockholding of liquid fuels.
USAStrategic Petroleum ReserveThe Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the world's largest supply of emergency crude oil.