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ENSE - Entidade Nacional para o Setor Energético

Constituição, gestão e manutenção das reservas estratégicas nacionais de petróleo e produtos petrolíferos

Preços de Referencia de Combustíveis

Risk Level
Existence of indications of possible problems that could significantly affect the oil sector.The probability of becoming a real threat is low, but there must be continuous monitoring of the situation.

Instability caused by the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.



With the publication of Decree-Law no. 84/2022, of December 9th, ENSE, as supervisory for the energy sector, maintains its competence regarding the issuance of Biotickets based on the monthly information sent by ECS (LNEG).

Every month, ENSE makes publishes the number and types of TdB issued to national and imported biofuels that meet the sustainability criteria results in Decree-Law nr. 84/2022 of 9 December:


Types of TdB | NacionalsJanFevMarAprMayJunJulAugSetOctNov
TdB-D14 28813 96217 16415 57916 70113 09212 32311 08514 6226 7039 579
TdB-G1 3142223302825262627
Tdb-A3 2154 8817 0298 1478 60110 7755 1028 73311 0296 7098 302
TdB Double Counting13 18417 20021 37221 40022 49220 43312 38816 23621 61412 09916 289
Total30 68836 04645 57945 14847 81744 33029 84136 07947 29125 53734 197
Types of TdB | ImportationJanFevMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov
TdB-D 624 2373633483952400382079187
TdB-G 2 1001 5492 1432 1372 2452 0932 0372 5551 9962 3642 095
TdB-A 7873 9098 3608 0615 13020 0125 1845 9838 93129084 664
TdB Double Counting8498 0448 5038 1825 27520 0125 1846 7268 9312 9874 851
Total3 79817 73919 36918 67813 04542 35712 40515 64619 8588 33811 797


TdB: Bioticket
TdC: Bioticket of renewable fuel of non-biological origin
TdB-D: Biotickets issued for biofuel diesel substitute
TdB-G: Biotickets issued for biofuel gasoline substitute
Tdb-A: Biotickets issued for fuel from feedstock listed in Part A of Annex I of Decree-Law nr. 84/2022
TdB Double Counting: Second biotickets (shall be considered to be twice their energy content) issued for biofuel originating from feedstocks listed in Annex I of Decree-Law nr. 84/2022 (Part A and Part B)


ENSE publish also the annual TdB type (2018-2022) issued by ENSE to the biofuels derived from national origin and imported by national economic operators.


Types of TdB2018**2019202020212022
TdB-D81 982270 743243 906194 221205 209
TdB-Double Counting*51 880166 598146 789244 715309 361
TdB-G2 6385 6904 84615 35022 426
TdB Importation3 133959619 76750 46144 603
TdB-A--6 18825 91635 584
TdB-A Importation---54 88265 306
Total139 633452 627401 729585 545682 489

* Corresponds to the sum of national and import TbB-DC and TdB-DCA
** Data for the period from September to December 2018


History of biotickets issued in Portugal


2022Biotickets - History 2015-2022